June 7, 2005: GOF regular meeting
Hydrangea started to color at last. We had June regular meeting today. Oita GOF house was filled with vivid atmosphere from the morning.
In the kitchen, lunch preparation was under way quickly.

The meeting started at 10 a.m. with a few words of the general leader.
Four members from Beppu branch joined today to hear about National GOF meeting to which they couldn't attend.
Ms. Shibata of Akeno group introduced her friend who may join GOF.
Ms. Tanaka, who had moved in to Oita GOF, introduced herself.
The National Meeting status was reported accordingly.

Five members joined the National meeting and reported their impressions respectively. The main theme of the meeting was the principal spirit of the founder as "Thinking, living, and praying."

The pending budget plan of this year was finally approved. After that actual activity plan was discussed under the leader management.
I looked at day-care room. Munakata group was in charge of it today with rearing kids.

So many attendants filled the large hall.

Pleasant lunch time after the meeting.
"Fire !" A sudden shout echoed in the house. It was a fire training without warning. All the member dashed out, some with kids under arm. This kind of unexpected training is to be held twice a year annualy.
We then returned in the house and resumed the meeting and cleaning of the kitchen and the house.
2005 June meeting

      On duty: committee members, report by Takeuchi
picture by Shiotsuki
report by Nagano