November 16, 2004: Family Budget Study Class(FBSC)
The 2004th FBSC was held at Compal Hall sponsored by Oita Group Of Friends(GOF.)
The general leader introduced GOF.
Program 1: "How do you manage your morning hours?" The "Time check" was made this year. It is checked every five years. The reporter appealed the importance of the life based on the time schedule. The morning schedule was the beginning of all, she stressed.
Program 2: "I started keeping my family budget four years ago and made 'food budget'. I think it is the most important thing to create good meal plan for the family. This is the base of making next year's budget." She appealed.
The account book designed by Females' Friend Publisher, who cerebrated its 100th anniversary, is like that the used amount of money is deducted from the well-thought budget. The family budget leader reported the importance of keeping it.
Educational expenses was her serious problem. She reported that she always talked with her family about the budget.
She reported that she met the Publisher for the first time in her high school days and has been working hard in GOF and various kinds of the volunteer groups.
Cleaning around was another concern. She made cloth cover using old cloths. She made cushion cover from the patches.
In the study class room were some exhibitions like those. This was the sample of food to be taken by a housewife per day.
"Ready to use" foods.

Quickly prepared lunch box made in the morning busy time.
Computer usage for the family budget management.
"Friendship sales" will be held on December 10. Those items will be on sale.
Reference books.
Oita Broadcasting Station (OBS) reported today's event. I hope many people will come to the site.
The FBSC will be opened on November 19 and 20 at our GOF house. Please come and join us.
Oita GOF Akegara 2 phone 097-542-6032