July 18-19 2002: Group of Friends national summer meeting
We joined a national summer meeting of Group of Friends held in Tokyo.
We came up one step ahead to Tomorrow Hall for preparation. The forest looks fresh after a rain.
This is the entrance of the building in which National Group of Friends and Tokyo branch have their office respectively. Many members look to have already been here for the preparation.
From Kyushu block, 18 members will join the meeting.
The first day
Main theme 
Let7s broaden our horizons to the world. This is the time to live a good life by proper eating, evaluate, choose and review the life.
On the stage of Tomorrow Hall are above theme, a picture of the founders, and a beautiful flower vase.
Many people made presentation.
Some products are displayed in the hall as well.

Apple juice, jam, and sugar cakes produced by farmers in Nagano prefecture.
Tokyo branch prepared the lunch for the attendants.

Original beautiful lunch was very good.
The research meeting was held here.

Many presentations continued in the afternoon as well.
In the night, the members from Kyushu block had another meeting in the hotel and discussed how to improve our daily lives.
The second day
A torrential rain has cleared up by the opening time. The refurbished Tomorrow Hall looks very good in the sunlight of the morning.
We reported on the mothers7 meeting with the theme of "How to give a basic concept of eating to young generations."
Many statistics appeals the importance of foods.
We took lunch and relaxed in Tomorrow Hall.
Many presentations still continued in the afternoon.
The two days meeting was very useful.
Summer meeting program
The first day
On eating properly
Proper amount of food
Meal preparation of my home
Think about time and cost
Lecture "World food problem"
Jun Nishikawa, Waseda University
On food
As a consumer and as a producer
The second day

Give the basic concept of food to young families
Senior life and food

Broaden the horizons
Family budget meeting preparation

Reported by Oita Group of Friends Nagano