July 6, 2002: Friendship sales
We have a regular friendship sales at our Group of Friends' house in Oita. as we will open it in July for the first time, we are very careful to keep the goods fresh in the hot humid weather.

A typhoon was approaching, but it has gone by this morning.
Handmade aprons are hung down from the curtain rail on the window.
Small cloth toys and others are also displayed beautifully.
Surplus items in the house and second-hand cloths are for sale as well.
Many books published from Females' Friend are on the table on the window.
In the kitchen are so many food products which were bought through the cooperative purchase including cookie materials, Oita's special product Shiitake mushroom, and dried sea weeds.
In another room, usually used for daycare, homemade cookies and bread are for sale.
A simple advertisement is on the threshold of the road. The visitors by car will find the site easily.
On the outer wall of the daycare room is a large ad that reads "Oita Group of Friends' Friendship Sales."
By 15 minutes before the sales opening, the parking space was filled with cars of the guests.
The sales opened at 11 a.m. The guests are very eager to select the goods by taking them and checking.
In the daycare room, we explained the guests of how good the homemade cookies and bread were.
As we have been worrying about the typhoon storm until this morning, we were very glad to see the morning sun in the blue sky.
We could break the back of the sales after the noon and we took lunch together.

In the afternoon, we also purchased the goods and closed up the sales at 2 p.m. after cleaning, we reviewed the sales of the day.
Thank you very much many visitors, who understand and support our movement. picture by Annan
Reported by Nagano