May 21-23, 2002: Group of Friends national convention
I went up to Tokyo one day before the Group of Friends national convention to be held from May 21.
The first destination was Females' Friends Publisher.
We participants from Oita took a we-were-there-picture in front of a lotus pond in the courtyard
Many Founder-related exhibits were displayed in the Publisher including old books and pictures.
Actual exhibitions introduced in the old documents and new books were displayed as well. We were very interested in them.

Myounichi-kan, or "Tomorrow House", was designated as an important cultural asset of Frank Lloyd Wright and was restored recently by Agency for Cultural Affairs. The members from Oita and Saiki took picture on the background of the building.

2002nd Group of Friends national convention
The main theme Let's cerebrate the 100 anniversary of "Group of Friends" magazine and keep walking toward the materialization of great kingdom of Friends

Schedule   May 21(Tue) Memorial hall of Jiyuu Gakuen
              May 22(Wed) Japan Young men's Hall
               May 23(Thu) Myounichi-kan Hall in Jiyuu Gakuen